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2022-08-22 12:42:17 百科知识 来源:
导读 大家好,小福来为大家解答以上的问题。普朗克忧可以治疗HPV吗,普朗克忧这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、[security]Non-toxi...


1、[security]Non-toxic, non-corrosive, safe for the skin and mucous membrane, leaving no scar after healing, not easy to relapse.【 indications 】Quickly kill vaginal condyloma, cervical condyloma, anal warts bacteria, viruses, etc.Mechanism of folding to edit this sectionFollow the "same-sex cure" homeopathic principle, using gene and quantum theory, the overtemperature extraction technology. It contains TMD smart smart isolation inactivated factor, activate the bodyOf HPV self-healing systems, at the same time in the HPV virus inactivated form the protection zone "separate", blocking the HPV infection of cells, can upgrade the body immune of HPVForce to produce specific HPV antibodies (warts miao). It contains NMD mucosal repair factor, upgrade the diseased parts of the immune system, repair skin mucous membrane, balance the skin pigment, thoroughly remove warts, ""Root (warts), without leaving any scar.Method of use folding edit this paragraph1, will wash the affected area before use.2, detailed operation process: A, take out the product of A and B sterile caps C, pack good push rod D injection, launched A little liquid lubrication front-end E, to push the top note device inserted into the vagina or anusF, the liquid into the body slowly along the vaginal wall (anus) G, the number of turns slowly pull out gently push note H, wear underwear good sanitary pads in advance, in order to avoid contaminated clothing, eachDay 1 to 2 times.3, subclinical outbreak of wart body new vitality is strong, fall off the time required is longer than the other.4, treatment process schematic:A minute after 1 ~ 3 days to use with tolerable tingling3 ~ 5 days the wart body contraction with castAfter seven days of wound healing, skin intactConsiderations for folding edit this paragraph1, this product is for external use only2, the product composition has activation effect, individual patients after use will make potential virus attacks, is normal.3, this product is valid for 12 months 亲自查找的!望采纳!谢谢!。


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